Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Menjejak ke alam baru..

Tanggal 19 Mac lepas, seorang lagi bapa sedara aku telah 'join kapal'  aku & sedara-sedara yang lain. Tamatlah riwayat zaman bujangnya!! FYI, bapa sedara aku yang famous dipanggil pak lang ni umurnya muda dari aku..tp berpangkat bapak sedara dh..hehe..

Selamat Pengantin Baru buat paklang
semoga kalian bahagia ke akhir hayat

Ni mak lang aku..heheh
segak orangnya, lemah lembut dan sopan santun beb!!
bertuah badan si pak lang!! 

Sekitar hari pernikahan yang lepas..berdebar2 paklang..hu3

Heheh..me n my son, Afwan..
hehe..nak selit jugak nih..orang kuat nih!! haha

Ni ha orang kuat yg menjayakan majlis nih..chewah!
Sebelah kiri - adik ipar aku, Ct..dia la jugak bertungkus lumus
menyiapkan hiasan bilik dan meja makan bersama aku.
Sebelah kanan tu - k.imah, sepupu aku yg ngasuh Afwan.

Haniey Hani sempat bergambar dgn pklang nih..diala orang kuat bikin snap gambar nih
( viva hitam ni jugak le yang jadi pengangkutan rasmi si pengantin..hehe)

Secebis puisi buat pengantin..

Dalam kekalutan..
Dua hati telah menjadi satu
Dalam kebimbangan..
Sebuah janji temeterai sudah
Tinggalkan segala kekalutan
Buang segala kebimbangan
Layarilah bahtera itu
bersama iman dan taqwa.


my sign

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shontelle - Impossible

Petang-petang ni jom layan lagu ni dulu..
baru jumpa ni..hehe..sebelum ni xtau nama penyanyi

(lirik ni xdak kena mengena dengan aku pun..)

i remember years ago
someone told me i should take
caution when it comes to love
i did, i did
and you were strong and i was not
my illusion, my mistake
i was careless, i forgot
i did
and now when all is done
there is nothing to say
you have gone and so effortlessly
you have won
you can go ahead tell them

tell them all i know now
shout it from the roof top
write it on the sky love
all we had is gone now
tell them i was happy
and my heart is broken
all my scars are open
tell them what i hoped would be
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible

falling out of love is hard
falling for betrayal is worst
broken trust and broken hearts
i know, i know
thinking all you need is there
building faith on love is worst
empty promises will wear
i know (i know)
and know w hen all is gone
there is nothing to say
and if you're done with embarrassing me
on your own you can go ahead tell them

tell them all i know now
shout it from the roof top
write it on the sky love
all we had is gone now
tell them i was happy
and my heart is broken
all my scars are open
tell them what i hoped would be
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible

ooh impossible (yeah yeah)

i remember years ago
someone told me i should take
caution when it comes to love
i did

tell them all i know now
shout it from the roof top
write it on the sky love
all we had is gone now
tell them i was happy (i was happy)
and my heart is broken
all my scars are open
tell them what i hoped would be
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible
impossible, impossible

i remember years ago
someone told me i should take
caution when it comes to love
i did

video from youtube

Tentang Botol NUK lagi..

Tiba2 aku tertengok ruangan chat/mesej aku kat sebelah kanan ni, kawan kita ni (Atie) tanya bab botol NUK lagi sebab dia pun gunakan botol jenis ni untuk anak dia.  So, aku macam terkonfius sekejap..memag kat botol xdak tulis.  Tapi, bila aku search banyak yang cakap BPA free..mm..ni review terbaru yang aku baca tadi..

About NUK feeding bottles

NUK offers 2 types of feeding bottles, plastic and glass. The glass bottles are environmentally friendly and bisphenol A free. Its range of plastic bottles does not claim to be free of bisphenol A. It only states that its plastic feeding bottles are made of either polypropylene or polycarbonate, of which the latter is based on the starting material bisphenol A.
NUK however claims that they are convinced on the safety of the materials used to manufacture its products.
NUK feeding bottles come in 2 different types and in various sizes for each type. You can choose the classic feeding bottles or the wideneck bottles which they call NUK First Choice or premium selection.  
untuk baca lebih lanjut, klik sini: http://www.lifeasamummy.com/review-nuk-baby-feeding-bottles-teats-highly-recommend

so, statement aku yang Botol NUK BPA free kena tarik balik ke? owh, kawan2 bantula daku..adakah ini yg paling tepat..andai kalian ada lagi statement yang lebih kuat, cepat2 inform daku ye..hanya yang terbaik untuk anak kita.!


arrggggggh!!!! help me!!

xdak sapa boleh tolong pun!!! aku tersepit tadi!!! dahla kena masuk training pastu kena p meeting plak?? where is my bos n others??? mesti korang jugak tertanya-tanya kan? macam staff IT kat cni sikit.....ye la aku sorang je application hari ni..so, geng technical xleh kira la! anggap je xdak..lagipun kalau suruh pun xdaknya yang sudi gantikan aku p meeting tu. betul x kawan2?? i x salahkan korang ye! Bukan ada kaitan dengan depa pun.....hu3. So, tanggungla tugas sendiri ye!
Bab nak masuk training xpela, lagipun lepas ni maybe aku n team application yg lain kena incharge training untuk AMO baru kat spital ni (tambah kerja baru plak ni). Tapi, aku terpaksa tinggalkan training yang aku sendiri perlu belajar untuk p meeting tu..xpala..okla, kita cakapla training ni boleh belajar balik kemudian lepas ni dari pihak vendor. Tapi yang amat aku kesalkan dan x puas ati sangat, where my bos?? arrghh!!! dah inform tau beberapa ari lepas, tadi pun aku dah mesej. Xkan tinggal hp lagi kot!! Pepagi tadi aku jumpa dia kat pintu masuk, tapi dia nak keluar la time tu. Ok, xpala..ingatkan lepas tu ada la berkurung dalam bilik ke kan...tapi,hampeh!!!! semua orang sibuk dok call..where is IT person?
Dengan kelam-kabutnya, aku pun p la..dahla mula2 salah tempat sbb si site manager tu inform nak tukar tempat, last2 buat kat tempat asal jugak. mm..hangat la masa tu. Sampai je kat bilik meeting tu, semua orang dah ada n tengah berbincang pun. Aku masuk je la dengan selambanya. Bukan aku boss pun kan..duduk dan dengar sampai habis. jadik orang bisu!!
Dan, satu bab lagi yang aku x berapa nak attend meeting dengan pihak berkenaan ni sebab aku tau diorang semua ni speaking beb!! Arghhhhhhh.......help me!! Aku memang la lemah bab ni..hu3..nasib baikla, bukan omputih, klu dak lagi aku x faham. Ni orang Malaysia yg cakap kan, boleh lagi la aku faham..time ni la aku rasa aku perlu improvekan bahasa inggeris aku! hu3.......................orang lain pun spoken, but diaorang semua tu yakin untuk cakap. Aku x yakin..who can help me????????
